“Card” to believe

Let me begin my post by reminding you of one simple truth about me: I don’t make cards.  I’ve explained it before, in great detail.  I’ve even reiterated it in not-so-different terms.  So imagine my surprise when, over the past few weeks, I’ve made not one, not two, but THREE separate card designs.  I know!  Who are you and what have you done with my Debily?

Well, I’m not quite sure.  What’s even stranger is I have actually enjoyed making these cards.  Crazy, huh?  Don’t worry, though, I’m still a true scrapbooker at heart.

First, we have the thank you cards I made following our Blue & Gold banquet in February.  These were super simple, but I was impressed with how they turned out.  The best part was that I was able to turn out several of these in a short period of time, and I had all the materials on hand, so they didn’t cost me any extra!

My next project – which turned out to be a major undertaking – was to create save-the-date cards for my mom’s upcoming “BIG” birthday this summer.  I had created mock-ups of 6 different designs, several of which were far simpler.  But she liked the “vintage” look of this design and its classic appeal, so this was the design I used.  I modified it somewhat from the original mock-up, trimming it down from a 5″x7″ size to a 5″x5″ square.  Though far from “perfect”, I was very pleased with how they turned out.  And after making and mailing 75 of them, I think I could make them in my sleep.

Finally, we have a birthday card for one of Trey’s good friends.  Again, I had all the materials on hand, so the cost was essentially free.  Simple, but fun.  And, because I’m like that, I even matched the paper on the card to the wrapping paper used for the gift!  I’m sure Trey’s friend will notice and comment on my awesome coordination skills.  After all, isn’t that what 10-year-old boys do?

So who knew I could make cards?!?  I guess it’s one more thing to add to my already long list of awesome skills and talents.  I promise I’m still the same Debily, just perhaps new and improved.


  1. I thought the card was very fantastic and wonderfully matched. Gerry almost noticed it:) He was quite distracted by the legos. And to top off the distraction, Trey was right there talking up the awesome movie attached to the legos that he thought was perfect for later in the evening. But I must say you are a rockin’ craftin’ card makin’ lego buyin’ Mom:)

  2. Yeah, we heard about Trey’s “suggestion” making, which was the absolute ONE THING we had instructed him NOT to do…grr…. :-{

    If Gerry HAD noticed the card, I think I would have fainted dead away. lol

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