Child-like Faith

Deep conversations can happen when you least expect them.  Oh sure, you’re prepared for them around the dinner table, or before bedtime, when things are quiet and the mind has a chance to unwind and relax a bit.  For my kids, however, it’s always those short bits of time when we’re in the car, hustling from one location to another that they choose to explore the mysteries of life, the intricacies of faith, and test the limits of my understanding on all matters scientific and mathematical – like multiplication or 3-digit addition.

Today’s topic revolved around Matt’s job.  Listening to their musings, fielding their questions, I was struck with how deeply this layoff is affecting them.  As they shared with me their fears – fears of losing our house, of having to move, of not being able to pay for clothes or food, and yes, even of living on the street – I realized that this “life storm” is not just being felt by Matt and me.  It’s affecting our whole family.  And God will use this experience to deepen not only Matt’s and my faith, but also our children’s.

They are learning to pray persistently and specifically.

They are learning to ask boldly for God’s blessing as we obey through tough times.

They are learning to trust for God’s provision in the face of dwindling resources.

They are learning to be grateful for what we have, and not take “things” for granted.

They are learning the hard lessons of patience and perseverance and humility.

They are learning to be totally dependent on God alone when we are helpless to solve the problem.

As a parent, it’s incredibly difficult to watch your children suffer.  It’s natural to want to protect them against the hardships of life and the cruelty of the world.  It’s our desire to only give them good things, and to try our best to keep them from failing or falling.  But it’s through those experiences that we learn the most: about ourselves, about the strength and bonds of family and friends, about God.

May I, like them, open my eyes to the wonder of child-like faith.  May God teach me through their obedience, and may I come to see my Abba Father in fresh new ways as we weather this storm together.