Our dog, the special ops

I discovered something new about our dog the other day from Trey.

Apparently, our dog is a spy!!

Our covert dog has no time to play with his toy because he’s too busy doing recon. I always knew he was good at digging. And now, those patrol lines in the back yard make perfect sense. And of course, he’s got perfect camouflage (just ask Angie, who freaked out at the sight of two little eyes peering in from the darkness outside the first time she visited our house).

Yep, he’s got perfect stealth. I would like to see him scale a building or jump out of an airplane though. Just once, just for grins.


  1. The good coverts never let you see them do that, because once their seen… BAM they’re history.

    You need to watch out, now that your dog’s cover is blown, do you have a panic room for him?

  2. His panic room was blown to smithereens in a violent thunderstorm in April. Of course, that’s the “official” version. I disavow all knowledge, whether real or imagined, that this could have been an act of canine terrorism.

    His panic room is now well-disguised as an ordinary living room. To the untrained eye, he would appear to “sleep” on the “doggie bed” all day long. But I know better. I see the one eye open as I walk by, watching at all times, collecting intelligence, always aware. He’s a sneaky one, that Covert.

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