Watercolor Ponies

There are watercolour ponies

on my refrigerator door

and the shape of something I don’t really recognize…

Drawn with careful little fingers

and put proudly on display,

A reminder to us all of how time flies.

* * * * * * * * *

Oh, the pleasure of watching the children growing

is mixed with a bitter cup

Of knowing the watercolour ponies

Will one day

Ride away.

Wayne Watson, “Watercolor Ponies”



Enough for the sappy intro. But it’s true. The watercolor ponies are in the corral, learning their paces. You see, in this epic entitled “Parenthood”, yesterday we completed the second chapter: “The Preschool Years.” That’s right…our baby officially graduated from preschool and is now promoted to Kindergarten! Bittersweet.


Crisana had been excited about this day for weeks, reminding us, telling us little details and keeping other ones secret. She had volunteered for a speaking part at the microphone, so we had been practicing her line to make sure she knew it. A side benefit: we could all say it in our sleep. We put it on her calendar and had been counting down the days. While her excitement mounted, I must say mine was tempered with a bit of sadness knowing that our days as preschool parents were coming to an end.

The children entered the sanctuary waving little streamers they had made out of popsicle sticks and curling ribbon.

They then found their places on the stage and provided a short program with the speaking parts and a few songs that they had learned in music class.


Our personal favorite was the rendition of “Old MacDonald Had a Band”. The children had made guitars, banjos, fiddles, and jugs out of various items and played them throughout the song.

And then it was time for the awards presentation. Each teacher got up and spoke briefly about their class: how proud they were of the children, how much they had enjoyed this class and this year, and how much they would miss the children. Each teacher handed out the diplomas in a different manner.   Ms. Alexia framed each child’s and wrote a special note on the back.

And then, just like that, it was over. The students were dismissed for final good-byes and pictures with friends and teachers.




What a special year. She had a wonderful class that really bonded as friends. She had a wonderful teacher who nurtured her emotionally as well as educationally. She grew and learned and developed in so many ways. We will miss Ms. Alexia and the friends she has made but we are grateful for having had the opportunity to get to know these precious people.

As the pen and ink dries on this chapter, we now prepare to turn the page to our school years. Our next chapter might take more time, but I intend to savor every bit. Let those watercolor ponies stay in the corral a little longer. They’re not quite ready to run yet.



  1. Congratulations Crisana! And Deb, as you know with Trey, there are so many milestones to enjoy and cherish. But it’s especially difficult when it’s with the youngest. Just reinforces that the parents are aging along with the child.

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