The First Week

I didn’t have my blog up and running in time to document the first day of school for either of my children, so I’m doing an end-of-Trey’s-first week blog instead!
The Texas legislature finally had the hoo-hah to enforce a policy they passed years ago – that no school in Texas would start prior to the 3rd Monday of the month. This year, for the first time in many years, EVERY school district (at least in the DFW metroplex, and many statewide) started on August 27. It felt kind of weird having those 3 extra weeks of vacation, but we put ours to good use (go visit to see what we did).
So we did the Back-to-School picnic and Meet the Teacher on the 24th. Got to see Trey’s brand-spanking-new school from the inside out. Alas, Jesse McGowen Elementary was not designed by SHW Group, but rather PBK Architects. Phooey on them. Still, it’s a beautiful school, and this teacher was drooling looking at the floor-to-ceiling bulletin board walls, the wide hallways, the classrooms with *gasp* 4 walls and a door! But enough about that. Trey’s teacher this year seems to be super and just the right personality fit for him. He sits at a table with 4 friends from Kindergarten and 1st grade, including his aforementioned finyance’. Let’s hope they don’t engage in any hanky panky under the desk. His bus schedule has finally been tweaked to satisfaction, and though he has to leave earlier than usual (7:25 this year), he gets home before 4:30, which still leaves some down time before homework and piano practicing have to be done. He gave his first week a big thumbs up. I think it’s going to be a great year. The smile says it all!

pictures be below the fold….


The happy 2nd grader!

Trey’s all ready for school!

All ready for school!


With principal, Mr. Forsythe (left) and Mr. Jesse McGowen!


Two big thumbs up for 2nd Grade!!