“Goal” Post – A Checklist for 2008

I’m not all that crazy about checklists.  For someone like me, who has both random and OCD tendencies, a checklist can wreak havoc on my mental state.  However, in reflecting on the past year, I think a checklist is definitely in order.  Let’s see how I did on reaching the goals I set for myself 365 days ago.

“Goal”post #1: Creativity

The real reason I set a goal of creative accomplishment this year was to give me an excuse for some “me” time – time for me to nurture the things I enjoy doing and make it okay for me to take a break from being mom and wife for a few moments each day.  Though I fell far short of my goal for scrapbooking, I exceeded my goal in the blogging department.  And now, through the technological miracle of Facebook, I am finding myself more socially connected than I have in years.  300 friends?  Who knew!

“Goal”post #2: Spiritual Growth

Not that I’m bragging here, but I hit this one out of the park.  Church home? Check.  Life Group?  Check.  Ladies’ Bible Study?  Check, Check, and Check.  Ministry involvement?  Big-ol’ Check.  To be truthful, we need to get back on track with personal devotions for Trey and Crisana and a family devotion/worship time, but I can say with confidence that we made huge strides as a family in this area in 2008.

“Goal”post #3: Physical Health

Things were not looking good until August, when Matt and I began South Beach together.  Now we are both about 30 lbs. lighter and that has motivated me to be more faithful about going to the gym.  I can average 3-4 days per week, and am working to live a more healthful, active lifestyle.  Though I didn’t reach the weight loss goal I was striving for, I know that it’s possible if I get back on track once the holidays are over.

“Goal”post #4: Mental Stimulation

I have been able to read through several books this year, trying a wide variety of topics from a wide variety of authors.  I haven’t been able to get back to the library since school started, but have still been reading, just at a much slower pace.  I am still learning much from my piano teachers’ groups and am still being challenged by the demands of being a Cub Scout leader.

So there it is.  Definitely some successes, definitely some areas of improvement yet to be made.  I’m grateful for the year I’ve had, and look forward to all that is still to come in 2009.