“Goal” Post – The Year in Review

Well, 2013 is in its final, waning hours.  The year that for many of my friends was truly an “unlucky” 13th is poised to bid us a not-so-fond farewell.  We stand on the threshold of a shiny new year, a clean slate of 365 days that stretches before us with promises of new beginnings, renewed… Continue reading “Goal” Post – The Year in Review

What Matters Most

Hoo-boy.  What a week. And not in that “Christmas-is-a-week-away-and-I’m-not-done-with-my-shopping” sort of way.  No, this is far more serious. It’s been a week where “peace on earth, goodwill toward men” has been replaced by division and strife, and ugly words – words like “racist”, “intolerant”, “hater”, to name a few – have been hurled across social… Continue reading What Matters Most

Great Expectations

You’ve heard it said God moves in mysterious ways.  But what you probably didn’t know is that He also speaks at mysterious times, especially to me. Not like Moses, who witnessed the miracle of a bush completely on fire yet not burning up.  Not like Joseph the carpenter, whose dreams blurred the line between imagination… Continue reading Great Expectations

When Life Hands You Lemons…

You make lemonade, of course. But if you’re a true entrepeneur, capitalist, or overachiever, you then sell that sweet-tangy nectar at your very own lemonade stand! This summer, as part of our Brownie program for Girl Scouts, our troop was supposed to choose a project to make our community a better place.  Note the use… Continue reading When Life Hands You Lemons…