Psalm 151

I know what you’re thinking: There are only 150 psalms in the Bible.  And you’d be 100% correct. This psalm, however, isn’t in the Bible. It’s in my blog. (and, in all likelihood, linked to Facebook) The psalms are God’s songbook. The psalms were the songs the ancient Israelites sang during times of joyous celebration,… Continue reading Psalm 151

A Tale of Two Fathers

This is a story of two fathers.  They were both from the same family, and in many ways were very much like each other.  They both loved God deeply, their wives completely, their children wholeheartedly.  They both worked tirelessly in their chosen vocations, lived lives of integrity and constancy of character, and gathered excellent reputations. … Continue reading A Tale of Two Fathers

Bosoms and Bellies and Beer, Oh My!

The wise duo Simon and Garfunkel once sang this melodious verse: Are you going to Scarborough Faire? And while we left our parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme at home, our answer was a resounding, YES! Scarborough Faire is an annual Renaissance Festival held in Waxahachie, about 45 miles south of downtown Dallas.  I went once,… Continue reading Bosoms and Bellies and Beer, Oh My!

Taking Time to Smell the…Bluebonnets?

April showers bring May flowers. Or so the beloved children’s rhyme goes. But here in Texas, April’s not often so showery, and by May the flowers have withered under the already-scorching summer sun. Instead, what April brings is bluebonnets, the Texas state flower, and lots of ’em.  Especially in the famed “Hill Country”, whose northern… Continue reading Taking Time to Smell the…Bluebonnets?