Yo-Yo Trey

Serendipity.  It’s a great thing.  I try so hard to have my life planned out and have a predictable order and structure to my days – even in summertime – and once in awhile something totally spontaneous comes along.  And it turns out to be an unforgettable experience. Like today. We had been running around… Continue reading Yo-Yo Trey

Threads of Gratitude: Nylon Umbrella Edition

Most of you don’t know this, but I have a deep fascination with Texas thunderstorms.  Seriously.  Like to the point where I have dreams of being a storm chaser.  Of getting up close and personal with nature’s fury.  Of facing a tornado head-on and living to tell the tale.  Of one day in heaven getting… Continue reading Threads of Gratitude: Nylon Umbrella Edition

The Return of Larry, the Night Guard

It’s not like we didn’t have anything else to do.  But there wouldn’t have been any peace in our house if we had allowed this weekend to go by without seeing this movie. We left the Worship & Arts family picnic rather abruptly to make it to the theater in time, and though we didn’t… Continue reading The Return of Larry, the Night Guard

Life’s a Picnic!

Well, at least it is once a year when you’re part of the Worship & Arts ministry at McKinney Fellowship! We attended the second annual W&A family picnic at Springhill Retreat Center in Richardson.  We think it’s no small coincidence that they started having these affairs shortly after WE joined the church, but that’s a… Continue reading Life’s a Picnic!

It’s a Zoo!

At least that’s how it must feel to the kindergarten teachers at the end of the year! No, wait…we really DID go to the zoo! The kindergarten classes were schedule to go to the Dallas Zoo on May 8.  Everything was all set: forms returned, money turned in, schedules arranged…and then the swine flu hit… Continue reading It’s a Zoo!