The Copy-meister

Most people, when they are preparing for a mission trip, spend a lot of time shopping for supplies for international travel.  They shop for new clothes appropriate for the culture in which they’ll be traveling and the work they will be doing.  They purchase snacks and little travel-size toiletries and certain creature comforts which may be difficult to find in a foreign land.  They get immunized and ensure their passport is ready and do research on their country and maybe even learn a few words in the natives’ language.

So what do I do?

I get my team together for a COPY PARTY!!

I couldn’t understand why one person was particularly excited about this event until I realized she thought I said, “COFFEE PARTY.”  Needless to say, my party didn’t exactly live up to her expectations.

We met up at church yesterday to begin the VERY BIG task of copying the materials we will use during our ESL lessons.  With 72 children, that means a lot of copying, cutting, collating, and laminating.  I must admit, I get a serious adrenaline rush just thinking about it.  Seeing the ideas in my head come to life, watching as our team comes together for a common goal, knowing we’re doing something good and making a long-term impact in the lives of others is enough to boggle my mind sometimes.

But enough about deep thoughts and serious moments.  So there we were, makin’ copies.  On the copy machine.  Bein’ the copymeister.

And for those of you who have no idea what I’m talking about, here:

(disclaimer: I have tried to find an original online but this is the best I can do.  It’ s not as good – or as funny – but he does capture the essence pretty well.  Just put Rob Schneider in the place of the Richmeister and imagine it’s an SNL set and you’ll be all set.)
