South Beach Update – Week 8

It’s back to reality – both for me and for the blog.  This week we begin week 8 of our journey on the Beach.  We’re definitely finding it easier to eat by the “rules” now, and I’m starting to find that my portion sizes are diminishing as well.  Twice this week I went out for lunch and found that eating only half of what I was served was plenty – no dessert, no bread.  I did indulge in a caffeinated Diet Coke, though.

I’m proud to report the results of this week:

Matt – 26 lbs. lost

Debbi – 22.5 lbs. lost

I am now BELOW my pre-pregnancy weight with Trey.  To think that it’s been nearly a decade since I’ve been at this weight is astounding to me.  To add to that perspective, when I was at this weight before, I was on a different diet, feeling like I was incredibly overweight and unattractive.  Now, I am thrilled to be at this weight, feeling slimmer and much more attractive.  I think the difference is in my fat: before, my fat was getting fatter.  Now I have thinner fat.  We are both nearing the halfway points to our goal weights, and are pleased to have made it this far this quickly.

We’ve stayed on a modified Phase 1 plan, with very limited carbs, for the past four weeks, after realizing our error in week 4.  The carbs we have added have been mainly fruits such as apples, pears, blueberries, strawberries, and canteloupe with grapes in very limited quantities.  We’ve stayed away from bananas, raisins, and watermelon completely.  We’ve also added in select breads as well: oatmeal, whole-wheat pitas and crackers, and whole-wheat bread.  We are still utilizing a mainly protein-and-vegetable-based breakfast and dinner, with our main carb consumption coming through snacks and lunch when we are most likely to need that quick energy boost.  Most nights, we don’t even eat dessert after dinner, unless it’s a sugar free jello or pudding.

I can testify that the South Beach Diet is difficult for busy parents.  The meals, for the most part, are not quick-and-easy and aren’t designed to be eaten on the run.  South Beach is definitely not drive-through convenience, and the grocery bills are fairly hefty.  Even with the drawbacks, however, this program has been incredibly effective for us, and we’re living a much healthier lifestyle.