“Time for Tea!” (A Happy Birthday Story)

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Crisana.  She was a happy little girl, especially happy because she had just celebrated a birthday.  She wanted to share this birthday with all her friends, but how?

“I know!”  cried Crisana.  “I’ll invite my friends to a Teddy Bear Tea Party!”  And so she did.

The day of the party arrived, and Crisana was very excited.  She could hardly wait for her friends to come!  Soon, it was time for the party!  The girls all arrived one by one with their teddy bears and wearing their pretty party dresses.

“You look so pretty!”  Crisana told her guests as they arrived.  Soon, she realized something was missing.

“I know!” cried Crisana.  “You must have a crown to wear.”

“But we don’t have any crowns!  What will we do?” her friends said.

“I shall give you a crown that you may decorate,” replied Crisana.  And so she did.

Now the girls were very happy, because they had beautiful crowns to wear.  They looked like real princesses!

Soon, Crisana realized there was something missing.  The beautiful girls had no jewelry to wear to their tea party!

“I know!”  cried Crisana.  “You must have some sparkly jewelry to wear.”

“But we don’t have any jewelry!  What will we do?” her friends said.

“I will take you on a hunt to look for some jewelry.  Follow me,” Crisana replied.  And so she did.

The girls searched high, the girls searched low.  They searched in the living room and found sparkly rings.  They searched in Crisana’s room and found matching bracelets.  They searched in the playroom and found glittery necklaces.

Now the girls were very happy, because they had beautiful jewelry to wear.  They looked like fine ladies!

Soon, Crisana realized something was missing.

“I know!” cried Crisana.  “You must have a story to share with your bears.”

“But we don’t have any books!  What will we do?” her friends said.

“I will have my mom read you a story,” Crisana replied.  And so she did.

So the fine ladies got their bears and shared a wonderful story Make a Wish, Honey Bear with them.

Now the girls were very happy, for they had heard a wonderful story.  They looked like real mommies!

Soon Crisana realized something was missing.

“I know!” cried Crisana.  “You must have something to eat.”

“But we don’t have any food!  What will we do?” her friends said.

“I will have my mom serve you tea,” replied Crisana.  And so she did.

Those fine ladies enjoyed heart-shaped sandwiches of peanut-butter-and-jelly and turkey-and-cheese-with-butter.  They dipped fruit kabobs into yogurt and sugar.  They sipped pink lemonade from fancy china cups.  They ate off fine china plates.

Now the girls were very happy, for they had full tummies!

Soon the friends realized something was missing.

“I know!” they cried.  “You must have birthday cake!”

“But I don’t have any cake!  What will I do?” Crisana said.

“We will sing ‘Happy Birthday’ to you while you blow out your candles,” her friends replied.  And so they did.

Now Crisana was very happy, because she blew out all her candles.  Her wishes would come true!

Soon, her friends realized something was missing.

“I know!” they cried.  “You must open your presents!”

“But I didn’t bring any presents!  What will I do?” Crisana replied.

“We will give you the presents we brought,” her friends said.  And so they did.

Crisana opened the gifts, one by one, that her friends had brought.  Along the way, she read the cards that went with them.

Now Crisana and her friends were very happy, because it had been a wonderful party.

Soon, Crisana realized there was nothing missing.

“I know!” Crisana cried.  “I’ve just had the best birthday party ever.”  And she did.