Someday, when you’re a mother, you’ll understand.

Oh, how every child hates those words.  How I hated them as a single, childless teacher, too.  But now that I am a mom, I do understand.  There is a certain lexicon of motherhood.  Every mother, regardless of age, background, or religion, has the same vocabulary.  We soak our brains in the same pool of wisdom and spout forth the same words of warning, gems of enlightenment, and mantras of sanity.

This video may be old and well-worn, having made the rounds on email for awhile now.  But it remains a classic.  And I dare any mom to say that she hasn’t used at least some of these expressions every day.


Oh, and I just have to brag on me for a moment.  I knew I was a great mom, a mom who rocks, a super-mom all along.  Now, I have proof.  Thanks to my anonymous friend for sending me this!  You’re the best!

I am Mom of the Year!