We all scream for ice cream

You remember all those cookies Crisana sold for Daisy Scouts?  Well, they were good for more than just a patch, bandana, set of colored pencils, and grooming kit.  They earned her a ticket to a Daisy Scout Ice Cream Party!

As with all Girl Scout events, only one adult was allowed to come with her.  I was chosen as the lucky one, and we managed to make our way down to the Joanne Fogg Service Center in Dallas.  When we arrived, there was a long line of Daisy Scouts waiting to have their pictures taken.  Or maybe they were just marveling at the elephant made out of boxes of Samoas.

My heart broke just a little as I looked longingly at all those wasted boxes.  I pray that they were, in fact, empty and that some other soul enjoyed their chewy, chocolatey, caramelly, coconutty goodness.

Their first activity was to decorate a paper doll and two outfits.  There were even googly eyes available to glue on the dolls.  So they can see.

Neither Crisana nor her Daisy Troop buddy quite understood the concept of “paper dolls” but instead chose to glue the outfit directly on to the doll.  Whatever.  I guess it’s all acceptable in the world of “art” and “creative expression.”

The girls were then divided into three groups.  Each group had the opportunity to rotate through three activities.  Our groups first activity was the swap.  In keeping with the theme of the day, the swap was an ice cream sundae.  Strawberry-flavored, with whipped cream and a cherry on top.

It almost looked good enough to eat!

The next activity was to pin the cherry on the ice cream cone – an ice-cream themed variation on the old standby of pin the tail on the donkey.  It was so funny seeing where those little red circles ended up!


And finally, it was time for some ice cream!  Though the pickin’s were kind of slim by the time we arrived, there was still enough for us to load up on toppings and fixin’s.  We couldn’t leave without a visit to the scout shop where we picked up a special ice cream patch to commemorate our memorable day.

And thankfully, we managed to enjoy it without any screaming.