Buckets, BB’s, and Boys, oh my!

It’s Twilight Camp!  The week of Home Depot 5-gallon buckets, bug spray, sunblock, swaps, and sweat. The week of sack suppers, camp t-shirts, spirit awards, and bottles and bottles of water.  The week of coolers and bandannas and porta-potties and – believe it or not – fun!

Having been a walking den leader last year, I was well acquainted with what to expect.  The difference this year, however, is that this year our boys are attending as Webelos.  Generally, Webelos have their own week of camp so they can work on more advanced requirements.  But with the redistricting of the past year, our district is much smaller so we combined Cubs and Webelos into one week.

No matter.  There were still the requisite favorites:


…and archery…

…and crafts.

But there are always new things to enjoy, discover, and learn.  Like new sports, such as disc golf:

…or new and creative neckerchief slides.

(yes, those beetles are neckerchief slides.  And boy, do they look real!)

There’s always time for fun with friends…

for grownups…

…and kids alike.

And there are special prizes for best and most creative swaps…which Crisana won for papoose!

Sure, it’s hot.  And dirty.  And stinky and sweaty and gross.  But I wouldn’t trade these moments with my son for anything in the world.