Feeling Gr-8 ‘cuz Trey is 8!

As of 10:27 P.M. CST, Trey will officially be 8 years old! How did that happen?

In honor of our new 8-year-old, I’d like to offer a “Top 8” list of the things I love most about Trey:

8 ) Such an easygoing personality – Trey could make friends with a lamppost.

7) King of Corn – Trey tells the corniest, silliest jokes…but we genuinely laugh at them anyway. (how could we resist?)

6) Head Foley Editor – Trey’s mantra is “Everything” (and I do mean EVERYTHING) “is better with sound effects.” Don’t think so? Listen to him do homework…or eat dinner…or brush his teeth…or go up the stairs.

5) An affectionate guy – Trey loves to give (and receive) hugs, high-fives, backrubs, and sloppy wet kisses.

4) Bleeding heart – Trey has a tender heart and shows compassion to all things, living or not.

3) Pinball Video Game Hero – Trey’s passion for anything Game Cube is astonishing. Whether it be Lego Star Wars or Zoo Tycoon, he is obsessed with being the champion.

2) Big Brother – Trey is such a good big brother, looking out for his little sister and taking the time to play with her. She definitely helps keep him in touch with his feminine side…providing he can add sound effects while they play dollhouse or babies.

And the #1 Gr-8 thing about Trey is…

That irresistible face, those amazing eyelashes, that infectious laugh…he is definitely one all-around great kid!

I love you, Trey! Happy 8th Bither Day! (and many more!)