My Father’s Opus

Today was my final Bible study session on the life of Paul.  Ephesians 2:8-10 was the text for the video session.  I heard  something I had never heard before – or perhaps had heard and forgotten.

Eph. 2:10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.

The original Greek word for “workmanship” is poeima…and as it was spelled out  and I wrote it down, the beauty of that word fell over me.

Literally, I am God’s poemHe is the Master Poet and I am his beautiful poem.  His sonnet.  His ode.  For someone like me, who sings poetry rather than writes or reads it, I am His song.  His beautiful, exquisite, tender love song.  His song that He is writing day by day and singing over me with joy.

I can’t tell you what this does for me inside.  I can’t tell you how much this means.  I can’t tell you the joy and comfort this brings, and how deeply it humbles me.  I can’t tell you how grateful this makes me, and how unworthy and undeserving I feel.  But it’s true.  It’s right there in black and white, signed with the blood of Jesus Himself.  I am His song.

Me.  Little old me.  No one special.  No one famous.  I’m not especially good at anything, and I have a lot of faults, and I don’t always finish what I start and I let people down all the time.  In the grand scheme of things I’m not really that great.  Most of the world doesn’t even know I exist.  Most of the world didn’t know when I arrived and won’t really care when I depart this life.  But despite all that, God thinks I’m worth it.  I am His song.

The session closed with the truth that “one day, all the lines will rhyme.”  For me, I say, “one day, all the harmonies will be complete.”  What God has begun is a simple melody line that is incomplete.  One day I will get to hear that song with all the layers of rich harmony and dynamics and articulation and artistry and expression.  It will be a beautiful opus of His love for me, love that tells my story from beginning to end. My story.  His song.   I can’t wait to hear it.