Trey’s Big Debut

In mid-December, McGowen held their annual Winter Concert.  The 2nd and 3rd graders, along with the 4th and 5th grade choir, present holiday songs for parents, grandparents, teachers, friends, neighbors, and pretty much anyone within a 2-mile radius who has nothing better to do at 7 P.M. on a Thursday.

The music teacher sent home a letter telling parents about this concert and asking for student volunteers who want to be featured vocalists, instrumentalists, or have speaking parts.  I was surprised when Trey said he wanted to be an instrumentalist.  But it was his choice, so we sent in the form, marked as instructed.  He was chosen to be part of a xylophone ensemble for the musical selection “Santa, Can You Hear Me?”  He diligently practiced his parts on the piano at home and in music class at school, and we knew he was ready when the day finally arrived.

Prior to the program, as he anxiously awaits being called onstage.

Hanging out with classmates before the performance.

Trey with two of his Cub Scout den friends!

We all eagerly awaited his performance!

Trey stands ready at his instrument, mallets in hand…


And for an encore, he danced for us!
