Pressing On

Sometimes, I’m such a twit.  I can’t tell you how glad I am that God, in His infinite patience and endless love and mercy, never actually says that to me.  But I’m sure there are times He must feel like it. This epiphany came to me this weekend after spending several days trying to climb… Continue reading Pressing On

The Copy-meister

Most people, when they are preparing for a mission trip, spend a lot of time shopping for supplies for international travel.  They shop for new clothes appropriate for the culture in which they’ll be traveling and the work they will be doing.  They purchase snacks and little travel-size toiletries and certain creature comforts which may… Continue reading The Copy-meister


In my last post, I was “abiding.”  That was before the past four days.  I know Mom said there’d be days like this, but we’re more than halfway to a full week…and counting. I almost don’t even know where to begin.  This has been a week of daily tragedies.  Something new every day that rocks… Continue reading Clinging

I Dreamed of Africa

With all the coverage in the news about the devastation in Haiti, it’s hard to think about much else these days.  And while that’s not necessarily a bad thing, I’ve found myself more and more thinking about Africa.  Uganda, in particular.  Remembering.  Reflecting.  Trying not to forget what I saw, what I experienced, what I… Continue reading I Dreamed of Africa

Into Africa: Day 3 (part 2)

Dateline: 8:48 P.M. Gulu time.  That’s 11:48 A.M. CST for those of you keeping score at home. REFLECTIONS ON GULU I had the opportunity today to walk around this “vibrant” city and see it firsthand.  To witness the activity of daily life here with my own eyes.  To experience its movement, its rhythm, its pace. … Continue reading Into Africa: Day 3 (part 2)

Into Africa: Day 3

Dateline:  2:37 P.M. Gulu time.  That’s 7:37 A.M. CST for those of you keeping score at home. WE HAVE ARRIVED! It’s been 38 hours since our flight left DFW, and I am now settled into my new home-away-from-home, the Hotel Roma in Gulu.

Into Africa: Day 2 (part 2)

Dateline: 12:30 P.M. somewhere-over-the-Mediterranean-Sea time.  According to my watch, it’s about 4:30 A.M. CST for those of you keeping score at home. I am sitting on a 767 bound for Entebbe, next to a Senior Principal Auditor for the Ugandan government, flying over the Mediterranean Sea.  At some point I will have to stop pinching… Continue reading Into Africa: Day 2 (part 2)