Silver Linings

Originally, this post was to be titled “Debbi and the Terrible, Horrible, No-good, Very Bad Day.”  Because really, when your day starts at 2:45 A.M. to the sound of your dog tossing his…um…dog cookies all over your wood floors, you can pretty much tell what kind of day it’s going to be. But ironically, as… Continue reading Silver Linings

We are “GO” for launch!

That may be the most intimidating title I’ve ever written.  Doesn’t seem so scary to you?  Well, maybe not for you, but for me this represents probably the largest step of faith I’ve taken in about 15 years. It all began in April, shortly after my 40th birthday party.  I awoke the next morning, after… Continue reading We are “GO” for launch!

South Beach Update: Running Hard on the Beach

So, maybe this uber-busy, super-stressed schedule is good for me after all.  Sure, I may not have time to keep the house clean, and my kids may run out of clean underwear, and the dog may go days before I remember to feed him.  (I’m kidding.)  But I did drop another pound this week, bringing… Continue reading South Beach Update: Running Hard on the Beach

South Beach Update: Miracle on the Beach

Well, it finally happened.  It’s taken nearly 10 months, but it’s finally happened.  And I do believe there was an audible “THUNK” as my jaw hit the floor. I’ve finally matched my lowest recorded weight from last October. Yeah, baby.  I’m back.  And leaner than ever.  Well, not really.  But leaner than in a long… Continue reading South Beach Update: Miracle on the Beach

The 444

Okay, so I admit, this will not be my most creative post.  It will not be my finest hour in the blogosphere.  This post will not represent the quality of content or style that many have come to expect from me.  I’ve survived two days of full-time work…but I’m tired, my brain is tired, and… Continue reading The 444

Threads of Gratitude: Wedding Dress Edition

Tomorrow is our anniversary…our “sweet 16th”.  Sixteen years.  Wow.  I can’t believe we’ve put up with each other for that long. Nah, I’m just kidding. When we stood at the front of that church on that very hot July day in 1993, we promised our love and faithfulness to one another “for better or for… Continue reading Threads of Gratitude: Wedding Dress Edition

Innocence Lost

Yesterday, the world lost some of its innocence and beauty. Donald Zolan, widely regarded as the premiere artist of children, passed away at the age of 72 after a battle with lung cancer. My connection to Donald Zolan began when I was in college.  Someone – probably my parents – gave me a calendar of… Continue reading Innocence Lost

I’m such a card…one that needs to be dealt with

Warning: this is a brag post.  Shameless, unabashed, over-the-top bragging.  Maybe even a little boastful.  But I’m okay with that. Because it’s about a card.  Not just any card, but a card that I made.  And you see, I don’t make cards. It’s just one of the quirks that makes me so lovable. But I… Continue reading I’m such a card…one that needs to be dealt with

In a Nutshell

A friend of mine is on a creative journey and part of the process has been to write a 7-word bio. For me, that would be more of a punishment than a “creative process.”  What?  Only 7 words?  You must be joking!  Surely you mean 700…and even that’s a stretch to truly define “ME.” Alas,… Continue reading In a Nutshell