Lessons on Forgiveness

Oh boy, did I ever blow it.  Totally screwed up.  Messed up big time.  In a word: FAIL.  And I’m completely sick over it.  Tied up in knots.  Lump-in-the-throat and tears-in-the-eyes. Usually, the admitting part is not difficult for me.  I make mistakes constantly.  All.  The.  Time.  I’m forever forgetting things, mixing dates and times… Continue reading Lessons on Forgiveness

New Year’s Re-Solutions

Well, it’s that time again.  The calendar tells me it’s a brand-new year.  And although I sit here, finding it nearly impossible to believe that another 365 days have come and gone, I know it’s true.  Each year, January 1 finds me optimistic: a whole calendar year spread out before me, 365 days filled with… Continue reading New Year’s Re-Solutions

Into Africa: Day 3 (part 2)

Dateline: 8:48 P.M. Gulu time.  That’s 11:48 A.M. CST for those of you keeping score at home. REFLECTIONS ON GULU I had the opportunity today to walk around this “vibrant” city and see it firsthand.  To witness the activity of daily life here with my own eyes.  To experience its movement, its rhythm, its pace. … Continue reading Into Africa: Day 3 (part 2)

Into Africa: Day 3

Dateline:  2:37 P.M. Gulu time.  That’s 7:37 A.M. CST for those of you keeping score at home. WE HAVE ARRIVED! It’s been 38 hours since our flight left DFW, and I am now settled into my new home-away-from-home, the Hotel Roma in Gulu.

Into Africa: Day 2 (part 2)

Dateline: 12:30 P.M. somewhere-over-the-Mediterranean-Sea time.  According to my watch, it’s about 4:30 A.M. CST for those of you keeping score at home. I am sitting on a 767 bound for Entebbe, next to a Senior Principal Auditor for the Ugandan government, flying over the Mediterranean Sea.  At some point I will have to stop pinching… Continue reading Into Africa: Day 2 (part 2)