Let the hunt begin…and end

It was a day of firsts…and lasts. Crisana’s very first Promiseland Easter Egg Hunt.  And, at the same time, her very last Promiseland Easter Egg Hunt. Perhaps I should explain a bit. We’ve participated in Easter Egg Hunts with our church before.  When our children were very little, we took part in PCBC’s Resurrection Parties… Continue reading Let the hunt begin…and end

Taking Time to Smell the…Bluebonnets?

April showers bring May flowers. Or so the beloved children’s rhyme goes. But here in Texas, April’s not often so showery, and by May the flowers have withered under the already-scorching summer sun. Instead, what April brings is bluebonnets, the Texas state flower, and lots of ’em.  Especially in the famed “Hill Country”, whose northern… Continue reading Taking Time to Smell the…Bluebonnets?


It’s the day every grade-school student in Texas dreads: STAAR testing. For those of you who reside beyond the borders of the Great State of Texas, and even for those who reside inside the borders of the Great State of Texas but who have no clue what the acronym really means, STAAR is the State… Continue reading STAAR-struck

Red-Letter Days

Well, it happened again. Right there in Dunkin Donuts this morning, while I was enjoying an oh-so-good vanilla chai and an oh-not-so-good chocolate mint oreo donut.  Serves me right for eating carbs AND refined sugar, I know.  But right there, in mid-bite, it happened: I had one of those “apostrophe” things. Smee: I’ve just had… Continue reading Red-Letter Days