It’s More, Bueno!

Forget what you’ve been told. History does repeat itself. Lightning can strike twice. And Taco Bueno can massively screw up an order twice in different locations. You may have read the post on Blogospeer about our last experience at Taco Bueno (yes, he called it Taco Bell, but it was Bueno) where we discovered the… Continue reading It’s More, Bueno!

A Sight for Sore Eyes

Since we didn’t purchase a pool membership this year (see previous post), we decided instead to go for season passes to Six Flags.  We have finally reached the point where our passes have paid for themselves and we now start saving money.  Despite the fact that we have closed the park every time we’ve gone… Continue reading A Sight for Sore Eyes

A Pool of Options

For the first time in eight years, we do not have a pool membership at the Texas Pool for the summer. And yet, here we are, in the throes of the hot Texas summer with no pool membership. Never fear, however, the Great Summertime Pool Adventure of 2008 is well underway. Our first swim of… Continue reading A Pool of Options

In Focus

This post could be considered a public service announcement of sorts. This probably comes as a shock to my two-handfuls of readers. If you’ve been with me for awhile, you know I don’t generally use my blog for PSA’s. I may be preachy, but this blog is generally not my preferred forum for stirring the… Continue reading In Focus

By Popular Demand

I confess, I’m not very good when it comes to making potato salad. I either overcook the potatoes, thereby creating a mashed potato gloopy mess, or I undercook them and end up with a potato salad where the potatoes are crunchier than the celery. Neither option is particularly appetizing. In the 18 years since I… Continue reading By Popular Demand