Rude Awakening


*rattle, rattle, shake, shake*

That was how I was awakened this morning at 6:08 A.M.  At first, I thought something had fallen onto our house.  Either that, or the playroom had collapsed onto the garage.  I went outside, in my pajamas in 20-degree weather, to investigate.  Everything looked normal.

Then I thought that perhaps there had been an accident – involving heavy machinery.  But there were no sirens, no immediate response of emergency vehicles.

It was pointless to go back to bed, so I decided to check email.  And amidst the flurry of neighbors who were also awakened by the sonic boom, we discovered the culprit: a fertilizer explosion in a nursery close to our house.  Thankfully the damage was minimal and no one was injured.

I don’t think I’ll ever complain about my alarm clock again.