What’s in a name?

God is just so cool!

We’ve now moved into the portion of Genesis where we’re introduced to Noah.  Like many others, I find reading through chapters of geneologies tedious.  Genesis chapter 5 has never been especially filled with application for me.  I’m sure there’s truth in there, but all those names and the litany of so-and-so begat so-and-so, and lived so-and-so many years and begat sons and daughters…well that’s just not fascinating reading.  Until now.

Names in ancient cultures were special.  Names had meaning.  Names were often significant for the character qualities that were present or that parents hoped to inspire.  Names were given for physical traits, or to honor God, to relate family lines.  Names were more than just names.

Let’s take a look at the names in the geneology from Adam to Noah (with credit once again to Joy Roberts):

Adam – means “Man”

Seth – means “Appointed”

Enosh – means “Mortal, frail, or miserable”

Kenan – means “Sorrow, dirge, or elegy”

Mahalalel – means “Blessed or praise”  El is the name for God, so literally “The blessed God”

Jared (Yared) – means “shall come down”

Enoch – means “Commencement or teaching”

Methuselah – from the root “Muth” meaning “death” and “shalach” meaning “to bring or send forth”, so literally, “his death shall bring”

Lamech – means “Despairing” (where we get our word “lament” or “lamentation”)

Noah – means “Comfort or Rest”

When we read the geneology in order, the meaning of the names reads like this:

“Man” (Adam) is “Appointed” (Seth) to be “Mortal” (Enosh) and “Sorrow” (Kenan), but “The Blessed God” (Mahalalel) “Shall Come Down” (Jared) with “Teaching” (Enoch) and “His Death Will Bring” (Methuselah) “The Despariing” (Lamech) “Comfort or Rest.” (Noah)


one side note: the word that God uses in Genesis to tell Noah that it is time to get into the ark is the word, “Come.”  It is an invitation from God – who is already in the ark – for Noah to join him.  Is it any coincidence, then, that years later Jesus told the crowds on the mountainside “Come (the same word of invitation) unto Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden (Kenan) and I will give you…Noah.”