Threads of Gratitude: Cardboard Testimony Edition

Our church is doing something amazing for Easter.  I get shivers just thinking about it.

Volunteers have written a testimony of what their life was like before Christ and after Christ on two sides of a piece of cardboard.  While the praise team sings, one by one the sign-holders come out and show the before side of the cardboard.  They then flip it over to reveal the after side, demonstrating God’s power in their lives.  Some examples I saw tonight were:

Lost in New Age/Found in Jesus

Broken Home/My Home is With Him

20 years alcoholic/17 years healed

Christians are morons/Found true wisdom


Suffering in a loveless marriage/Seeking the Kingdom together

Abandoned by mother at 4/Abandoned by God? NEVER

Living a secret life/Authentic in Christ

My way/His way

As we watched the parade of testimonies, one after another, file onto the stage and then down into the audience, God’s presence was undeniable.  The power of God to rescue, free, and heal people from addictions, hurts, and brokenness was visibly displayed through simple words.  Though the audience was sparse, there was rejoicing nonetheless.  And as I sat with my children, my precious 9-year old son looked at me and said, “I think I’m going to cry.”

I’m grateful for God’s power to heal, to restore, to deliver.  I’m grateful for lives changed and hearts renewed.  I’m grateful for the opportunity to share our journeys together and to encourage one another.  But tonight, most of all, I’m grateful that in a humble moment of rehearsal, God chose to touch my little boy’s heart and reveal to him what an amazing and awesome God we serve.

I was “just a desperate housewife/now I’m desperate for Him.”  Thank you, Lord.

1 comment

    Would be mine. And it is sweet to truly know how good: GOOD Friday is with Christ in our life. However it is a reminder for me that I still know way to may who don’t know my Lord and Savior as their own, and that I need to walk the walk, talk the talk, and live my life, so they see only His goodness and grace; for without that I would still be that lost 13 year old.
    Good to see you writing again. Hope to see you Wednesday; Easter looked like a blast glad you had a great time Thank you for once again giving me pause for deep contemplations and deeper thoughts.
    bet you Trey didn’t cry as must as you did, HAHA
    Love ya,

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