Men are from Mars, Women Make Sense

We women get teased a lot.  About our habits, our quirks, all those unique things that make us…well, women.  But let me tell you, we have great ideas.  And if we were in charge of the world, there are some definite changes we could make to improve things.

Like spruce up really dull and drabby places:

you can’t tell me it wouldn’t be more fun to bowl on a PINK lane.

And just imagine the fragrance that will be released when you bowl a gutter ball!

Get things organized in a way that MAKES SENSE:

I’m telling you, this is how Dillard’s organizes their dresses.

And I manage to buy one every time I go in there.

Coincidence?  I think not.

Create multi-purpose technology tools that multitask as well as we do:

Why not?  Since we all know technology doesn’t make any sense at all.

Now at least we know we can look pretty rather than getting all flushed when we’re frustrated that our mouse goes kaput.

And we have something to do while we’re waiting for that guy from IT – or our husbands – to come fix it!

Engineer designs that are sensible AND functional:

This way it doesn’t really matter if we don’t park straight.

Eliminate the need for math…or numbers…of any kind:

Seriously…who needs math anyway?

And when the cop pulls me over for speeding, I can honestly say,

“But officer, I wasn’t speeding…I was only driving Quick!”

Save money by not only doing the home repairs ourselves, but also using available resources to do it:

Those $50 pair of shoes?  A whole lot cheaper than a trip to Lowe’s, I assure you.

And the knives were a wedding gift, so those were free.

Use tools for the things that are REALLY important:

Now we’ll never have to nag you again to lower the seat when you’re finished.

Be strong enough to admit our own weaknesses:

A lot of frustration could have been avoided if the any key had been installed from the beginning, you know.

And ensuring that the world’s resources are allocated properly:

It’s definitely a girl thing.

You wouldn’t understand.

Laugh all you want, gentlemen.  All I can say is you’ve had your turn.  And look at the opportunities you’ve missed.

1 comment

  1. I miss you; wow can I have that toilets for work and home PLEASE.
    This is so true any key is the key I always use.
    Now speed well go, go faster and oops police are all on my meter.
    Okay now Uganda wow I am so blown away sounds like God really has some plans for you hope you get to a Tuesday girls night before you leave so you can tell all and give us update on how we can pray for you. The kids look so cute on their first day so do you hope school is going well for all.
    So take care and know you are in my thoughts and daily prayers

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