Divinely Consigned

As I mentioned in an earlier post, Divine Consign really consumed my time in February.  But oh, my goodness, were the results worth it!

I’ve been a consignor with them for probably 4 years now.  I used to consign with a retail store that I loved, and was so disappointed when that store closed down.  I found DC about a year after that time, and I will never go back to consigning retail again!  Each season with DC has gotten better and better – but this one had to be the best yet!

I brought in over 200 tagged items – mostly clothes and toys.  After birthdays were over, I was so overwhelmed by the sheer volume of toys in our house that we went through the entire playroom plus their rooms and mercilessly culled through the piles of toys.  We managed to get rid of quite a bit, but it took a lot of time to organize and tag all those toys…not to mention trying not to think about the sentimental value of each one!  I had also helped a good friend consign her items as well, so I had a lot to bring in!

Apparently, so did everyone else.  There were over 60,000 items on the selling floor!  Everything from toys to books, to backpacks and diaper bags, to shoes, to bikes, to clothes, to furniture, gift items, and nursery decor.  Words can’t describe the sheer volume of “stuff”.  Because I had volunteered for a “priority shift” (5 hours on the busiest selling day), I was allowed to attend the second presale, only 30 minutes after the breakdown volunteers – but before the regular volunteers, consignors & guests, first-time moms and foster moms presales.

I went mainly to purchase spring and summer items for Crisana.  Due to her recent health issues, she has gained a lot of weight which makes it harder to find clothes to fit her.  As a result, nothing from last summer fits.  No shorts.  No shoes.  No bathing suits.  No pajamas. No dresses.  No capris.  Only a few t-shirts and short-sleeve shirts from the end of last summer still fit.  So I had to start nearly from scratch with her.  Thankfully, Trey still has a lot of shorts and an overabundance of shirts, t-shirts, and sandals left from last year.  I brought my little red wagon and manged to fill it to overflowing with the absolute cutest, most darling outfits for Crisana – and some really nice stuff for Trey as well.   I purchased over 60 items (most of which were full 2-piece outfits for her) for just over $300.  That’s an average of just over $5 per outfit…some of which were brand new with tags still attached…from places like Land’s End, Talbot’s and The Gap.

I did have to go back for half-price day, just to see if there were any must-haves I missed.  I picked up a few more things (a darling purse and hair bow to match her Easter dress, and some play shorts and shirts for Trey) before it was time to give up the shopping ghost.

So how did I fare?  Out of the over 200 items I took in, I brought back less than 50…most of which were Crisana’s clothes and miscellaneous toys.  All of Trey’s clothes sold with the exception of 3 sets of pajamas, a pair of t-shirts, and a pair of swim shoes.  Because I was a volunteer, I will receive 75% commission on my sales rather than the typical 70%, so my check will not only cover the cost of all my purchases, I’ll even have a little left over!  Who knows, I might just have to celebrate by going shopping for some new shoes!