AI Predictions: From 12 to 11

Last night we were treated to a tribute to the Beatles. Though the promos had it being the unveiling or release of the John Lennon/Paul McCartney songbook, most of what was sung was originally recorded by the Beatles. Good music, though I must admit to being let down a little by the hype played to this episode.

I don’t have time to do the post like I’d like to, so I’ll make it short and sweet. Bottom 3:

Gone? Kristy.  She sounded like the Chipmunks on an upper. Seriously.

Top performances of the night:  Carly (I promised Matt I’d buy him that single when it’s released), Brooke, Chekieze, and David Cook.  Squarely on the bubble: David Archuleta, Amanda, and David Hernandez.   Hopefully next week being spring break and all I can wax loquacious on my AI predictions.

That’s all I’ve got!  We’ll see how I do.