Spring Break Fun

Here are the promised pictures from our week of Spring Break.

As you might recall, Monday was spent with my mom at Celebration Park in Allen, where we enjoyed a picnic lunch, flying kites, riding bikes/scooters, and playing on the playground:

Our princess sailed by on her bike, her skirt fluttering in the breeze.

Trey scooted around on his scooter, going up and down the hills around the park.

Things got a little silly around lunchtime.

Trey used his Lego fruit snacks to build an architectural masterpiece.

Tuesday it rained all day…and I mean ALL DAY. My friend Christin and her two little ones trekked over from Prosper to spend the day with us, ostensibly for Christin to do some final work on preparing her items for the Grapevine Divine Consign event. But really it just provided us an opportunity to have our kids play together while we enjoyed a little “girl time.” Unfortunately, due to the rain, she was a victim of a rear-end collision on the way home. Thankfully no one was hurt and the car was fixable. But it sure made for an unforgettable get-together!

Wednesday the weather turned cold – by Texas springtime standards – and windy. Though it was a bright sunny day, it was a bit chilly for extended outdoor time, so we headed over to The Zone for some indoor fun! We gathered a few McGowen friends for some bouncing and laser tag, in addition to spending way too much money on video games.

Trey and his friend Jakob had a blast beating each other up in the bounce arena.

And when Crisana had had enough, she and Abby chilled out on the floor.

True to Texas weather, by Thursday the temperature had warmed up considerably so we ventured back outdoors for a day at the Dallas Zoo. For my kids, no trip to the zoo is complete without a ride on the “dark train” so we hopped on DART at the Parker Road station and rode all the way to the Zoo’s front door, where we met up with two of Crisana’s preschool friends and their parents. We saw all kinds of neat animals, watched monkeys hamming it up for the crowd, played in the Children’s Zoo area, looked at creepy bugs, and enjoyed a picnic lunch with lions mere feet away from us. There was never a dull moment with those three girls, and Trey did his best to overcome the estrogen overload. When we’d had as much fun as we could handle, we rode the Endangered Species carousel and enjoyed a liesurely train ride back to our car, where we immediately headed up to Boston’s Sports Grill for dinner with our Life Group.

The Three Musketeers…a happy reunion!

The cheetah was out and about!

All the animals seemed to be taking advantage of the warm sunshine!

Just irresistible!

Crisana chose to ride the non-endangered white carousel horse.

Trey, however, selected the now-extinct Triceratops as his ride.

Friday was the highlight of the week.  For the past 5 years, Matt has taken Good Friday off, and this year was no exception.  Despite his demanding workload, he took a day to enjoy a family outing.  This year, our destination was Six Flags.  We purchased season passes, and started the savings with our first-ever family adventure at the land of Looney Tunes.  The park was CROWDED – come to find out the Friday of Spring Break is the second-busiest day OF THE YEAR – but we managed to have a great time, despite having to stand in line for nearly two hours for dinner.





1 comment

  1. you are one blessed mom but you know that ya got great kids glad you had a great time miss ya and take care of all

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