Today is the first day…

…of the South Beach Diet.

You thought I was going to say “…of the rest of your life.”  Well, in a sense, I do hope that’s true.  The beauty of the South Beach Diet is that it is intended as a lifestyle change…a way of eating.  Not something to do simply to lose weight, but something to live by.

I have struggled with my weight my entire life.  As a child, despite lots of outdoor activities year-round: swimming, biking, roller skating, or just running around the neighborhood playing hide-and-seek, I was always “chubby.”  As I matured into adolescence, I was the one with “curves” or a “womanly figure.”  And even though I weighed 120 pounds and wore a size 7 to college my freshman year, I had one member of my small group challenge me to “pray to God about my thighs…because as you know, with faith like a mustard seed it is possible for God to move mountains.”

Not surprisingly, within a few short months I no longer weighed that coveted 120 pounds.  And I haven’t been anywhere close to it since.

During our marriage, Matt and I have both allowed our weight to creep to unhealthy levels.  It’s no longer cute for us to simply shrug and say we’re fat, happy, and in love – though that’s true.  It’s time for us to take action.  To do something to stop the downward spiral and make a change for the better.  To set an example for our children of healthy eating habits.  To be healthier, both inside and out, so that we can truly enjoy a long life together.

So, after much deliberation and planning, we have decided to try the South Beach Diet.  It’s going to take a new way of thinking; after all, I’m a cereal & juice for breakfast kind of girl.  Give me a peanut-butter and jelly sandwich and a banana at lunch and I’m happy.  And what would dinner be without a roll and dessert?  That mentality is what has driven me to my heaviest non-pregnancy weight.

This morning we did our official weigh-ins.   I have a goal of losing 48 pounds, just two pounds shy of Matt’s goal of 50.  We’re doing the meal plan exactly as described to hopefully increase our chances of success.  And here it is, closing in on bedtime and I’m proud to say we’ve nearly made it through our first carb-free day successfully.   This may sound silly, but I already feel different.  And in this case, different is good.


  1. Good luck on the South Beach. My doctor recommends only this diet. I should return to it… I’m not a salmon eater and there are so many great recipes for it.

  2. We got the kids to eat salmon last night…they liked it! Despite my NE roots, you know I’ve never been big on seafood. So this is a stretch for me. When did you do South Beach?

  3. 3-4 years ago and lost a bit. Pasta was my downfall. The 1st 2 weeks if you stay on the diet you will lose and then you can add other foods. It’s costly with all the protein and not the filling/cheaper carbs but is delicious and healthy.

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