Indiana Jones and the Space Invaders

For our anniversary, we received the greatest gift we could have asked for (besides working a/c). We had a full 48 hours of uninterrupted time together. So what did we do? Did we pack our bags and hightail it out of town for a quick jaunt to some exotic locale? Did we discover some quaint local b-and-b and get away for some r-and-r? Did we take the opportunity to complete some special home-improvement project without little fingers, hands, and voices getting in the way?


We went to the movies! And this time, we went at grown-up times to see grown-up movies and paid grown-up prices for admission. I am pleased to say that I can now cross two titles off my “must see on the big screen” list after last weekend.

Our first feature was the latest Indy flick. Oh my goodness. We haven’t laughed so hard at the premise of a Steven Spielberg movie since “Jurassic Park 2: The Lost World”. Beyond ridiculous, even for Indiana Jones. Even the special effects were seriously disappointing.


We were hoping that this might be a movie Matt could take Trey to see as a father-son event. But unfortunately, there are just enough really creepy parts (including the scary-looking natives that pop out of nowhere and the attack of the “big damn ants”) to convince us that waiting another year or two would be a good thing. Let him see it on the small screen where the images won’t haunt his dreams for months on end.

The moral of the story: don’t waste your money. See it at the dollar theater. Or better yet, wait until it comes out on video.

Now, Lego Indiana Jones, that’s a different story.