New Years Resolutions: 2009

The calendar proclaims that it’s already Day 2 of 2009 and here I sit, with not a single New Year’s Resolution penned.  I guess it’s time to remedy that.

As I’ve said before, I don’t like making resolutions.  It’s too easy to fail at a resolution: you break it, and you’ve failed.  So since I don’t like the pressure of failure, I set goals.  It’s an issue of semantics to be sure, but it’s one that works for me.  I like the idea of striving toward a goal, the idea that even if I suffer a setback I can get back on track and still reach the goal.  I find fulfillment and satisfaction in taking the small steps toward a greater victory.

The theme of my goals for 2009 is simple: I want 2009 to be a year characterized of “by faith” living.  While that sounds lofty and esoteric, I’m going to attempt to put hands, feet, and a persona to that concept.  Here’s what I mean:

  • In 2009, I will grow professionally by faith.  I will follow God’s path for me professionally, whatever it may be.  If God leads me to return to work full-time, I will trust Him to provide the right job at the right school.  If I stay home another year, I will trust Him to provide enough students.  No matter what, I will find ways to increase my professional knowledge and skills and make learning fun for the students I teach.
  • In 2009, I will grow personally by faith. God has blessed me with a wonderful husband and two precious children – for which I am eternally grateful.  But He has also blessed me with talents and abilities and interests and passions which make me a unique and special person.  Throughout this year, I will continue to blog an average of 4 days per week.  I will also renew my efforts to scrapbook more faithfully, with a goal of an album completed per month (on average).  I will be returning to more rigid South Beach eating habits, and trust that with God’s help I will lose those last 22 lbs. that will take me to my goal weight…and keep it off.  I will continue to exercise 4-5 days per week, and will strive to live a more active and healthy overall lifestyle.  I will rely on God’s strength to provide the self-discipline to accomplish these goals.
  • In 2009, I will grow spiritually by faith. That sounds redundant, I know, but growing in faith takes faith.  I want to commit to a pattern of scripture memory, both personally and as a family.  I need to recommit to a family devotional time and renew my efforts in helping our children develop personal Bible study habits.  I have been praying for God to reveal opportunities for our family to be involved in service ministries – and by faith, I know God will show us how He wants to use us in our neighborhood, our school, our community, and our world.  I will remain a part of a Bible study group, as well as our Life Group, will commit to faithfully completing our sermon series study guides and Bible study assignments, and will seek God’s leading in the ministries He has placed me in.
  • In 2009, I will grow socially by faith. I admit, I’ve been a lazy friend recently.  I need to take a more proactive stance in reaching out to others, to deepening and strengthening the friendships I have.  So this year I will commit to finding ways to maintain and renew relationships, whether it be meeting for lunch, having coffee at Starbuck’s, getting together for a play date, or inviting people to our home.  I will trust God to provide the time and the opportunities for me to be involved with other people.

In 2007, I was challenged to follow…by faith.

In 2008, I was challenged to sacrifice…by faith.

In 2009, may I be faithful to live…and serve…and love…and grow…by faith.

“Everything is possible for [her] who believes.”  – Mark 9:23 (NIV)


  1. “having coffee at Starbuck’s”

    Who are you and what have you done with my wife?

    Those are all good goals. I am proud of you.

  2. Those are terrific goals and have inspired me to expand a few of my own! Cheers to you!! And here’s to hoping that I’m one of the friends you meet for scrapbooking and Starbucks! 🙂

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