How fat ARE we??

Matt has been waiting for me to post about this, so here I go.

Yesterday, I took Peekaboo in to see the vet. For a few months, she’s had this rough, scaly skin on her back, mangy-looking fur, and lots of kitty dandruff. I feared ringworm, though it didn’t look like the kind she had as a kitten (which she promptly “shared” with me…all over my arms) and it didn’t seem to be getting better. Time to stop procrastinating…I finally took her in.

They did a full physical exam on her: weight, checking her eyes, ears, and mouth, examining her lymph nodes and soft belly tissue. Her weight, at nearly 13 pounds, puts her on the heavy side. After doing a skin scraping to rule out mange mites, the vet gave me the diagnosis: FAT. At the sound of that word, Peekaboo let out a loud yowl as if to say, “You so did NOT just call me FAT!” For the rest of the exam, she sat, back to the vet, her head turned away, not making a sound.  If she could have had her arms crossed over her chest, she would have.

The solution for our plump kitty? A diet. And not just any diet. No, she must have a high-protein, low-carb kitty diet to shed those unwanted pounds so her belly won’t get in the way of her ability to groom herself.

Dear heavens, we have to put our cat on The Atkins Diet.

How fat are we???


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