American Idol: The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly

Let’s cut to the chase, shall we?

The Good:


The Bad:

Okay, so she wasn’t BAD, but I did NOT like her rendition of “Proud Mary”, and she is becoming more and more arrogant each week…thinking she can pull off these big songs, and even imitating Tina Turner’s dancing!  No, no, no!  The second song was better, but didn’t touch me the way it did the live audience.


 OMG, if he doesn’t go tonight, I will SERIOUSLY stop watching this show…forever.  Period.  He took on Bob Marley and did an awful job.  He took on Bob Dylan and FORGOT THE LYRICS.  Dude.  Seriously.  The ride is over.  I’m with Simon:  “Pack your suitcase.”  He deserved to go long before Carly – I’m still grieving over that one – or even Brooke.  Heck, he deserved to go before Michael Johns for that matter.

And, for the record, to try to help my cause – I VOTED.  Yes, it’s true!  For the first time since I started watching in Season 3, I voted!  I listened to the first set, then spent the second set voting: for David Cook all through his interview/performance/review (and Syesha’s, too, for that matter), and for David Archuleta all through his interview/performance/review (and Jason’s too).  I probably only netted about 50 votes per contestant, but at least I’ve done my part to ensure that the finals is at least tolerable.

Let’s keep our fingers crossed tonight!

1 comment

  1. you made the difference, the davids were safe and so was seysha, who’s been on the cusp of elimination for like… EVER. will she unseat a David next week?

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