Ode to Thursday Night Television


Excuses, Excuses

Cyst removed, six stitches, PAIN

Meds made me sleepy

I did manage to come out of my medically-induced fog of sleep and haze enough to hear that Ashley and Leslie are now gone (Matt watched the show from last week too. I gave it the old college try, I really did. But I slept through a lot of stuff in college, too.)

Without a Trace: (last week’s season premiere)

Lost boys of Sudan

Take, find one of their own kind

Waitress still missing

I’ll hopefully catch up on both shows tonight. But with the Sox playing, we’ll have to see. I have my priorities, you know!



John Who rises up

Kidnaps Leslie – Courtney spies

Bye, Les…Jean Robert’s safe

Without a Trace:

“Fat girl” targeted

Father tries bravely to save

Will Viv get task force?

1 comment

  1. Just a heads up, Pushing Daisies is re-airing tonight on ABC. If you DVR can handle it, its worth a look. Angie and I both enjoyed it.

    Survivor: Jean-Robert and James are idiots. Though I’m not sure their team has enough votes to out them before the merge, they have big fat targets on their backs… Not all challenges are won by brawn.

    WAT: I don’t watch it. Shoot, barely have enough time to watch the shows I do watch. 😀

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