Princess of Shoes

Yesterday we registered our children for Upward Soccer through Cottonwood Creek Baptist Church. And come to find out, evaluations were being held yesterday, too!

So we ate a quick (and South-Beach approved!) dinner and scooted our little selves over to the church for the evaluation session. Trey, having played two seasons of soccer previously, was outfitted appropriately: muscle shirt, soccer shorts, shin guards, soccer socks, and cleats.

Crisana, however, has never played soccer. So what does a 5-year-old princess in training wear to her very first soccer evaluation? A pink “God’s Little Princess” t-shirt. Purple shorts. White ankle socks. Brown suede Barbie sneakers with pink trim and flowers. And surprisingly enough, she makes it work.

She nearly bounced through all the evaluation stations, chatting nonstop with excitement, gushing over all the new things she would experience as a soccer player. And as we left the uniform station, I heard her tell the volunteers, “Mommy’s going to buy me brand new cleats for soccer. Pink ones.”

Queen of Shoes would be proud.

1 comment

  1. Aww! I am SO proud! My cleats were going to be pink too, but alas, my feet are too big and I had to get black ones. But! Never fear, the black cleats coordinate with my black and pink bag and glove, so I did well there and I plan on putting glitter on my shirt and the word, “DIVA” on the front so the bling bling will blind the 1st baseman as I run towards him.
    She should try that….blind ’em with the bling….

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