Poptober Report

Would YOU buy popcorn from this kid?

Well, apparently, a lot of people WOULD, because Trey shattered last year’s effort by over 50%! Popcorn sales officially kicked off September 15, but we didn’t start selling right away because we didn’t have our popcorn forms. We sold nearly every Sunday afternoon around the neighborhood, and a couple of times at church. Even with being out of town for 2 weekends, Trey managed to do a phenomenal job! Last year, he sold somewhere between $600 – $700 (I forget the exact amount). His goal this year was $1,000 so he could earn an MP3 player and a marshmallow blaster. With only a little help from Mom and Dad (a $40 tin of 3 different kinds of popcorn), he finished with $1,003 sold! And the most amazing part about it is that we didn’t even get to all of the neighborhood: 2 streets never got to see this little salesman work his magic.

I know for sure that he was the second highest seller in our Den, losing out on the top position by a margin of $108, but we don’t know where he stands in the pack yet. I know our Den sold over $3,000 worth of popcorn alone, which makes me very proud of “my boys,” and all but 1 sold at least 1 item. All but 2 earned their overnighter by selling at least $350 worth. Way to go, Den 3!!

So Trey and I will be heading to The Science Place in Dallas in January to enjoy a popcorn overnighter with our Pack. I guess that’s my reward for all the popcorn I helped to sell, too. Next year, all bets are off. This kid is hard to resist!

1 comment

  1. Hey Trey – Wish we lived closer to buy some of that popcorn. You must be quite the salesman. Deb/mom – I remember being out with my kids for the various fundraisers. Wait till it’s Trey and Crisana both selling. You’re in the early stages …

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