I got a little behind this week, so I’m going to catch up from Wednesday. So now, we move on to the language of words of affirmation. Oops, better make that quality time, as I got confused on the order! I have a child whose love language is DEFINITELY quality time!  I won’t mention… Continue reading Love in 5 Languages, Part 3
Our dog, the special ops
I discovered something new about our dog the other day from Trey. Apparently, our dog is a spy!!
Fun with similes!
Ah, similes. No, not those silly little emoticons you put in emails. Those are smileys. I’m talking about similes. Those darned vocabularological comparisons you had to study in high school for no other reason than to pass the SAT, get into a good school, and prepare you for a profession in which the only simile… Continue reading Fun with similes!
Be careful what you pray for
because you just might get it! Last night was Join Scouting Night in McKinney. If you read this blog, then you know the technical difficulties I ran into trying to finalize the details yesterday afternoon. To be honest, that frustration was the LAST thing I needed yesterday. And seeing a sign telling people it would… Continue reading Be careful what you pray for
Mom said there’d be days like this
September 20 is always a hard day for me. You’d think after 10 years, I’d just get over it and move on. However, I find almost the opposite is true. I find the loss of my dad in some ways more painful now than I did 10 years ago. His legacy lives on, but I… Continue reading Mom said there’d be days like this
Love in 5 Languages, Part 2
This week, we get into the “meat” of the course, the discussion of the actual love languages. Through my own personal observation, I’m pretty convinced that physical touch is Trey’s primary love language. Even at age 7, he still loves to snuggle, he holds my hand, and he’s pretty demonstrative in his affection to others.… Continue reading Love in 5 Languages, Part 2
A winning weekend…sort of
To quote the wise sage Jay Leno (could he be another version of J-L..o?): “It’s Monday night, time for” a sports update on Debily’s blog!! Okay, so he doesn’t really say THAT, but it’s kind of close. First, we have our baseball. The Rangers have done it once again. You know, made hope rise in… Continue reading A winning weekend…sort of
Eat more chikin!
A news story on Channel 8 last week caught my attention. We all remember a few years back when “experts” began to claim that “methane emissions from cows” (aka cow farts) were a significant contributor to global warming. Well, it took a few years, but finally it’s happened…. Now experts are claiming that we should… Continue reading Eat more chikin!
Things I wish Jesus hadn’t said
This is an actual class offering at FBC Allen, where Crisana is attending preschool. It sounds like a class I’d love to take – a catchy name with some food for thought to challenge the status quo. But in an effort to get some discussion going among my 4 readers, I pose this question to… Continue reading Things I wish Jesus hadn’t said
Love in 5 Languages, Part 1
Tonight begins the series, “The 5 Love Languages of Children.” As I’ve been preparing this week for the class, I pre-viewed the video for the orientation sessions. Attempting to be “hip” and “current”, the producers of the video placed cameras in the homes of 4 different couples so we could watch life, unscripted, and then… Continue reading Love in 5 Languages, Part 1