Threads of Gratitude: Now a tapestry

I have a confession to make.  I was secretly dreading my womens’ Bible study this fall. There were many reasons for this, and some of them were actually legitimate.  I wanted to be in a group of my peers, women of my age and life stage, and most of them were attending on Wednesdays.  After… Continue reading Threads of Gratitude: Now a tapestry

Threads of Gratitude (aka: “Seeing through a glass darkly”)

“Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.” I Corinthians 13:12b As I reflect on the journey of our last 13 months, I can see how God was orchestrating our lives to bring us to this point, this decisive moment.  This experience of testing.  And I’m grateful.… Continue reading Threads of Gratitude (aka: “Seeing through a glass darkly”)

Threads of Gratitude – a new perspective

I know I missed a week last week.  That doesn’t mean I wasn’t grateful – I most certainly was – but Thursday was the day we received the results of Matt’s biopsy and I needed to blog about that.  So I’m trying to get back on track this week, because I have much for which… Continue reading Threads of Gratitude – a new perspective

Peace Like a River

Today’s the big day.  We meet with the oncologist for our initial consultation. And I am totally at peace with whatever will be. Now, that doesn’t mean I don’t have my moments.  I definitely do.  I have moments where the inside of me is all twisted up like a big bowl of spaghetti noodles and… Continue reading Peace Like a River

Punctuation: Theme and Variations

Ain’t punctuation grand?  Just think of all the ways we can use those little dots, squiggles, and lines to express a range of emotions. Take this sentence, for example: My husband has cancer. (A declaration of fact, which I learned today.) Now, just by changing that last little bit of punctuation, we can give a… Continue reading Punctuation: Theme and Variations

Daddy’s Hands and Letting Go

I promise, this will be my last somber post for a while.  We have something special to celebrate this weekend, and come Monday I’m sure I’ll have plenty of happy blog-fodder to keep me occupied for many days to come.  But it’s important to me to take a moment to remember this day and the… Continue reading Daddy’s Hands and Letting Go

Threads of Gratitude – Week 3

This week has certainly been an emotional roller coaster.  There is so much going on in our lives and in the world around us, with so much upheaval, that it could be difficult to find things to be grateful for.  But I think it’s in times like this when we really need to focus on… Continue reading Threads of Gratitude – Week 3