Today was the Eighth Annual Music by DESign Spring Recital! Can it really be eight years already?! What a day – and what a great celebration of my students and their achievements this year. Although I had a roster of 18 students this spring, only 14 performed: 2 are moving and just recently dropped out,… Continue reading CELEBRATION!

Pigs and Pancakes and Parties, oh my!

Yesterday, I had the insanity privilege of being a chaperone on Trey’s school field trip.  The second grade traveled to the Rosewood Center for Family Arts to see the national touring performance of “If You Give a Pig a Party”, a play adapted from the Laura Joffe Numeroff book of the same name.  Being the… Continue reading Pigs and Pancakes and Parties, oh my!

At a loss

I sit here at my desk, tears stinging my eyes, my heart broken. And I’m at a complete loss for words. So forgive me if my post today seems a bit bumbling, a bit disconnected, a bit scattered.   I’m feeling much the same way right now. The family of one of Crisana’s preschool classmates is… Continue reading At a loss

Creation: Committee-style

IN THE BEGINNING…. In the beginning, God created heaven and earth.  He was challenged immediately with a class-action suit for failure to file an environmental impact statement. At last, He was granted a temporary permit for the project, but soon was handed a cease-and-desist order enjoining Him from creating on earth. At the government hearing,… Continue reading Creation: Committee-style

American Idol: The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly

Let’s cut to the chase, shall we? The Good:              The Bad: Okay, so she wasn’t BAD, but I did NOT like her rendition of “Proud Mary”, and she is becoming more and more arrogant each week…thinking she can pull off these big songs, and even imitating Tina Turner’s dancing!  No, no,… Continue reading American Idol: The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly

DWTS – The final four

Tonight, the final four are revealed. Tonight, we witness the 100th episode celebration. Tonight, pros and stars from seasons past will regale us with the “10 best dances.” Tonight….promises to be a worthwhile two hours of prime-time viewing. So let’s review! Kristi began with a foxtrot that was – in my opinion – fabulous.  I… Continue reading DWTS – The final four

Do you SALSA?

Yesterday being Cinco de Mayo and all, I decided to celebrate by posting some great salsa recipes.  However, due to it being Monday and having to deal with unexpected little crises like Peekaboo throwing up IN MY SHOES, I wasn’t able to sit down to organize my thoughts into even a somewhat-coherent passage. So, despite… Continue reading Do you SALSA?