Shout out to Dan!

I know he doesn’t read this blog, or if he does, it’s in secret.  However, you, all 10 of my faithful readers, are witness to the fact that I DID remember his birthday. So, here goes:  a very special rendition of Happy Birthday, just for you my brother. [myspace][/myspace] Lots of love from your bratty… Continue reading Shout out to Dan!


This won’t be a long post, but it’s important (to me, at least). Today would have been my parents’ 50th wedding anniversary. Though I’m saddened not to be able to share their Golden day with them, I am so grateful for the 39 years they had together, and for the 28 years of loving example… Continue reading Remembering

American Idol prediction

Let the predictions begin!! I didn’t get to watch all the guys perform, so I’m guessing blind this time.  We’ll see how I do.  I predict these two are gone: Without the charisma and charm of “Old Blue Eyes”, his song was just…well…BLUE. I admit, he’s a cutie.  And I love the 80’s rocker throwback… Continue reading American Idol prediction

He’s not Scottish, brutha, he’s Jewish

If you don’t watch Lost, that title will be…well…completely LOST on you – no pun intended. You see, tonight at Life Group we were watching a video dramatizing the book of John. We’re currently studying ch. 18, so that’s the portion of the video we watched. Our hearts were pounding with the thundering footsteps of… Continue reading He’s not Scottish, brutha, he’s Jewish

Valentine’s Day 101

For all you last-minute shoppers (or for those who wish to plan way ahead for next year because you’re tired of sleeping in the doghouse), I offer you a no-fail guide to a happy Valentine’s day. HOW TO TREAT A WOMAN: Wine her. Dine her. Call her. Hold her. Surprise her. Compliment her. Smile at… Continue reading Valentine’s Day 101

Song of Praise

Ah, the old hymns. How comforting their melodies! How sweet their harmonies! How precious their words! And even though I, a dyed-in-the-wool Baptist/Bible Church girl, have never learned those heavenly songs of the Anglican church, I can appreciate anything that helps bring believers closer to God and deeper in their understanding of Him. Something tells… Continue reading Song of Praise

Tag, You’re It

If you are reading this, you’ve officially been tagged. I received this as an email, but decided to go ahead and put it on my blog instead. So, TAG. Now it’s your turn. After you read all about me first, that is. 1 What time is it 8:00 A.M. 2 What’s your full name Deborah… Continue reading Tag, You’re It