Spring Break, Day 1

This week is spring break for us.  We won’t be going out of town or doing any of the fabulous vacations so many in this area seem to do – but I always enjoy the time just to reconnect with friends and hang out with my kids.  The past few days it seems my house… Continue reading Spring Break, Day 1

Happy Easer!

You read that right. No, it’s not a typo. That is what our banner, hung above the cute jointed bunny, read. Brand new, purchased unopened from the store…”Happy Easer.”

Uber-cool video

I’m currently involved in a Bible study by Beth Moore: “A Woman’s Heart, God’s Dwelling Place.” It’s actually a revision of her original study, published about 10 years ago.  This study is all about the tabernacle…which is an incredible “God-incidence” since the last study I completed in the fall was on the Patriarchs!  I don’t… Continue reading Uber-cool video

“Cross”-examination: the final chapter?

It has been a long time since I’ve done a “cross”-examination. Please don’t take that to mean we’ve quit going to church. We haven’t. We just haven’t been visiting new churches every week. Rather, I have a little “love story” to share with you…

Snow Day!

You know the old saying: “If you don’t like the weather in Texas, just wait a minute.” Unfortunately, that’s really not true for the months of July-September. But the rest of the year – hold on to yer hats, there pardner, this here weather in Texas is about as unpredictable as a bull in springtime.… Continue reading Snow Day!


OMG.  The last two weeks have been absolutely a blur.  I am so far behind on my posts. So strap yourselves in, my friends.  It’s snowing,  piano students are canceled, Crisana’s napping, and Trey’s not home from school yet.  That pile of dishes in the sink can wait.  Cleaning the bathroom can wait.  Ironing the… Continue reading Must…post…NOW!